Tuesday, February 14, 2012

So far into the semester

So in the last week I have been trying to read as much as I can for personal pleasure as I am for school assignments but unfortunately that has not been the case.  In the last week for my short novel class I had to read Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye.  The story in this book is broken up in a very post-modern way giving limited views on characters, and having those judgments and perceptions flipped on their head as more of the story is revealed along with other timelines.  I did enjoy this book and I enjoy how Toni Morrison uses a new historicism to explore the dynamics of race, sexuality, and perceptions but I feel that I have read and discussed her books into oblivion and cannot see myself reading any of her books for pleasure, only for assignments.  Oh well. 

Other than that there have a number of other stories that I have been engaging with, as usual I am chugging along through A Dance With Dragons, having read (listened to) ten chapters since my last blog.  I know I have said it a number of time but I am still amazed at the layers of storytelling that he is able to accomplish.   
A book that I have made it a little over halfway through has sort of clicked in my mind and I understand the author’s intentions is D.H. Lawrence’s St. Mawr.  This book has surprised in the fact that it is a book about a group of people who are obsessed with a horse.  The premise and the first half of the book are completely insane in that I can’t stop reading; I have been forced to stop every time.  I am excited to read the rest of it (shortly after I publish this blog) and see how Lawrence manages to keep the momentum of the book going while focused mostly around the horse and the people who are close to the horse.  It’s really an amazing read and I recommend everyone who reads this to pick up a copy. 

As for my own writing I have not been putting any pages down of my own personal writing in some time but I have been writing two chapters in my head for almost two weeks now, and I am anxious to get them on paper one of these days.
One of the television shows that I have come to enjoy and has been “Grimm.”  That show along with “Once upon a Time” has been on my radar more as of late.  I think the retelling of modern fairy tales, is a good way to reexamine our roots, and perhaps come up with something new and different.   These stories have somewhat made me rethink more common storylines and rework them into something new and see what I come up with.
I wish that I have written more of my own personal work so as to comment on it, but my school schedule is forcing me to make sacrifices.  I hope by my next blog post I will have written some very serious pages.  Until next time. 

If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story.
Orson Welles

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy Toni Morrison. I think her writing is incredible. Glad you enjoyed her writing :)
