I think with this blog what I will do is take all of the different stories that I see throughout my day and the stories that I interact with day to day and follow that onto how different parts of those stories influence my own work.
I am a bit of a scatter brain when it comes to working on one thing at a time. I tend to have ideas, make a whole bunch of notes and come back to them later and add on to them and flesh them out into stories.
I watch a number of television shows and movies, as well as read comics, books, and magazines, and I am pretty religious on checking the news. I enjoy seeing the stories that are prominent in the time that I am living and morph those into something new and interesting. That is what I hope to chronicle throughout the blog, what drives me and my creativity.
I see stories in everything around me, in the people I meet and for those I don't, and I try use those ideas and almost graph them onto what I create, because I believe that in story telling the beauty of every story is in the minutia of actions, people and nuances. By documenting and therefore forcing myself to document what I am doing and what I am accomplishing will help me to get further on my way in writing.
My brain scatters all the time. People think sometimes I am upset but I am really just in a deep thought that I have not figured out how to communicate yet into words.